This page describes how to update with data from, using Dbeaver installed in your local computer. You need to have administrators permission on , the Seco VPN client running on your local computer and a connection ready in Dbeaver
Get the latest backup from (target of the daily auto backup) to local computer
#replace <username> with your usernamne ssh -p 13738 <username> cd /opt/backups/database ls exit #Now, you can select the backup to use #copy the file scp -P 13738 <username> C:\opt\Ikartan
Start Dbeaver and read in the backup file into a database.
Start Dbeaver
Connect to
Right click on “Databases” and select new database
Enter a name e.g. siv_new (must be a name that not exist)
Right click on the new database e.g. siv_new and select tools/restore
Browse for the backup e.g. C:\opt\Ikartan\2023-10-10_01-00-05-sive.backup
Press Start button and the restore begins
Log in to and stop Weave and Geoserver to release all connection to the present database we will replace
#Seco clieent must be running ssh -i C:/Users/sven-/.ssh/id_ed25519 b30502@ Enter passphrase for key 'C:/Users/sven-/.ssh/id_ed25519':<your locla password for the ssh file> b30502@viamap-ikartan-test02:~$ #stop weave service sudo systemctl stop weave.service #stop Geoserver sudo systemctl stop geoserver.service
Use Dbeaver to rename databases
-- Problem of database that is still connected! Try this-. SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity
Right click on the present database e.g. sive and select rename
Enter another name e.g. sive_23-10-01
Click Persist when the SQL command is shown
Now right click on the newly restored database e.g. siv_new and select rename
Rename this database to the same name as as the previous database
Start Geoserver and Weave
sudo systemctl start geoserver.service sudo systemctl start weave.service