

Set of utilities to allow a user to edit a record, spatial or non-spatial, from the data grid.


Editing plugin for map view

Map spatial and non-spatial editors with a data definition.

Event listener plugin for grid view

Begin update a record from double click of enter key event from the Data Grid

Edit actions for grid view

Create new entity or update/delete from the selection



<config xmlns="urn:com.cohga.server.config#1.0" xmlns:client="urn:com.cohga.html.client#1.0"> <client:config id="main"> <view id="com.cohga.html.client.map.mapView"> <plugin id="viamap.weave.edit"> <entity id="edit.poi"> <!-- Referenced entity --> <edit id="editor.poi"> <!-- Spatial editor --> <data> <!-- Reference dataset to bind --> <id>d.edit.poi</id> <key>uuid</key> <!-- Optonally override key column --> </data> </edit> <editor id="editor.poi"> <!-- Non-spatial editor --> <multi>true</multi> <!-- Allow updating/deleting more than one entity --> <data> <!-- Reference dataset to bind --> <id>d.edit.poi</id> <key>uuid</key> <!-- Optonally override key column --> </data> </editor> </entity> </plugin> </view> <view id="com.cohga.html.client.main.gridView"> <!-- Listen to enter/double click event to begin update a record --> <plugin id="viamap.weave.grid.edit" dblClick="true", enter="true"> <toolbar> <!-- Actions to create or modify/delete by grid selection --> <item action="weave.edit.grid.create" showText="false" /> <item action="weave.edit.grid.update" showText="false" /> <item action="weave.edit.grid.delete" showText="false" /> </toolbar> </view> </client:config> </config>