Weave Configuration Reference

Weave Configuration Reference

Attrubute Search

Combination of checkboxes

Example of a combination of checkboxes. The combination will result in "OR" clauses rather than "AND" allowing combining different combinations. If there is no combination, e.g. only one checkbox is checked, the "whare clause" from that parameter will be used.

This works well when the options are few, 2-4, and static. User attributes are supported as arguments.

Combination of checkboxes
<parameter id="active" type="checkbox" label="Active" >
	<where clause="status = 'active'"/>
<parameter id="inactive" type="checkbox" label="Inactive" >
	<where clause="status = 'inactive'"/>
<parameter id="done" type="checkbox" label="Done" >
	<where clause="status = 'done'"/>
	<where clause="(status = (SELECT CASE WHEN '${active}' = 'true' THEN 'active' END) OR status = (SELECT CASE WHEN '${inactive}' = 'true' THEN 'inactive' END))"/>
	<where clause="(status = (SELECT CASE WHEN '${active}' = 'true' THEN 'active' END) OR status = (SELECT CASE WHEN '${done}' = 'true' THEN 'done' END))"/>
	<where clause="(status = (SELECT CASE WHEN '${inactive}' = 'true' THEN 'inactive' END) OR status = (SELECT CASE WHEN '${done}' = 'true' THEN 'done' END))"/>
	<where clause="(status = (SELECT CASE WHEN '${active}' = 'true' THEN 'active' END) OR status = (SELECT CASE WHEN '${inactive}' = 'true' THEN 'inactive' END) OR status = (SELECT CASE WHEN '${done}' = 'true' THEN 'done' END))"/>